來台東,找回你的野 |Return to the Wild (30 secs version)


來台東,找回你的野 |Return to the Wild (30 secs version)

  • 製作團隊
    Bito 甲蟲創意
  • 統籌策劃
    Plan b第二計劃

來台東,找回你的野|Return to the Wild


因此這部影片,會發現鏡頭有如原始獵人的眼睛,既有細膩觀察蟲魚走獸的心思,也有狂放遊走海浪峭壁的行動。我們把視角幅員拉得很大,「高」是乘坐熱氣球看見山脈的高 ;「深」是潛入大海中與星空的深。每一項設計元素,則像隱藏版驚喜,圖騰、道路、編織、教堂彩繪、建築線條、新設計能量......,不管什麼表現,其實都緊扣著大自然的起源,大自然的野啟發了所有設計元素。


The “wild” it aims to capture is not frenzy or savagery. It is the wild power to be with oneself that the human race innately possesses with Mother Nature and with oneself. Such wild power is fading away from the people living in the cities, whereas anyone that pays a visit to Taitung seems to retrieve it bit by bit.

Hence, in this video, you may find the camera is like the eye of a primitive hunter, with a careful mind to observe creatures around and unruly moves that march on cliffs and ride on waves. We expend the horizon immensely as “tall” as that riding on a hot air balloon or the starry sky and as “deep” as that when you dive into the ocean. Each element is designed as a hidden surprise, including the totems, roads, fabrics, paintings on the church, the silhouette of architecture, the new energy of design, etc. Whatever the presentation is, they all cling to the origin of Mother Nature, as the wild of which is the inspiration of all the elements.

“Indulge yourself in the bliss of Mother Nature and return to the wild link to the Mother Nature.” That is what manifests the essential uniqueness to anyone visiting Taitung disregard the intentions of their trips and constitutes the innermost core value of the brand of Taitung that you can’t find either anywhere else.

▧ 執行單位|臺東設計中心 Taitung Design Center

▧ 製作團隊|Bito 甲蟲創意

▧ 策劃統籌|Plan b 第二計劃

Directed by Bito

Creative Director|劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu

Director|劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu

Assistant Director|高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao

Producer|劉妤暄 Tammy Liu

Ideation|黃心怡 Vicki Huang / 莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang / 高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao

Copy Director|黃心怡 Vicki Huang / 莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang

Account Manager|彭乃芸 Naiyun Peng / 劉妤暄 Tammy Liu

Photographer|高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 黃鈞豊 Ken Huang

Drone Operator|高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao

Location Manager|李惠永 Huie-Yung Li

Editor|高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao

Color Grading|高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao

Typography Design|謝鎮璘 Damon Hsieh

Music|Through the Dead Wood by Songs of Water / In the Clouds by Be Still the Earth

Aboriginal Song|躍樂-Kavarasa’an by 知本卡大地布lralrak樂舞團

Music Editing& Sound Design|黃俐雅 Liya Dunlap / 高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao

Special Thanks|

GR33N Skate Shop / Muk Lin FPV / Sweet Night Kitchen / The Coconut Woman 椰女郎 / 沙拔壤民宿(羅沙工作室)/ 東昌帆布行 / 東元科技文教基金會 / 金崙天主堂(聖若瑟天主堂) / 阿布斯布農傳統服飾工作室 / 都蘭衝浪店 / 賓茂國中